The Trap Man is owned by Bins-n-Benches Ltd registered company number 05421623, registered address Smithy lane Holmeswood L40 1UH

Any use of this website or its contents including copying publishing or using in full is prohibited other then for your own personal, non commercial use unless you have permission from The TrapMan.

If you want ask us anything regarding the terms and conditions please contact us.


Trap man store take care when adding content to our online store, we aim to provide an accurate description of our products as well as an accurate price, however orders placed on our online store will only be accepted if there are no errors in the description or price, if there are any problems with any orders you will be contacted by one of our team.


All items are subject to availability, we try to keep stock of our items up to date but on accessions errors may accrue, in this instance we will inform you of the availability of your ordered items via email.

Online account security

You are responsible for confidentiality of your password and account; we recommend you create a strong case sensitive password. Trap man will not be liable for any loss or damage, which may occur as a result of failure by the user to protect your password or account

Acknowledgment when order is placed

When the order is place you will receive an email for us confirming the order then following emails when your order is being processed and dispatched.