Month: June 2024

Working on Improvements

We’re working hard this week.

Here at TrapMan we have been manufacturing Fox Traps for a very long time but recently we had some feedback to say that they are tricky to assemble, specifically when attaching the tabs to the door slide assembly.

Well, we have taken your feedback on board and after careful review with all members of our team we have come up with a solution. We are currently in the process of changing the sliding door to include holes to bolt the door in place. No more tricky tabs. This should be a more self explanatory way to attach the slide assembly.

While we wait patiently for our team to work their magic, don’t forget we are always on hand to assist you. You can call our team on 01772 811522 for assistance.

We’ll keep you posted on our Fox Trap Journey, for now take a look at our current range;

Caution People at Work…

Here at TrapMan we think there is nothing better than all standing round the table with a rough bit of cardboard a tape measure and some brilliant minds – Does anyone have a pen?

Our workshop staff strive to make the best quality when building our products, which means we must come together once in a while to check we’re making the best products for you.

When you buy from the TrapMan we are on hand to provide help and advice regarding any issue you have and will recommend the best possible solution for the problem you may encounter.

Find out more information about us here;

And don’t forget “The Trap is only is good as the person setting it”

Popular for This Week

TrapMan Fox Trap

We thought we would share with you our most popular item for the week – Our Fox Trap. They’re flying off the shelves!

Our TrapMan Fox Trap has a guillotine style free fall door and can be set using ether a treadle or pull bait, both provided with the trap.

They come folded simple to assemble with detailed setting instruction available online. And don’t forget Our TrapMan Team are always here to help.

Take a look at our full Fox Trap Range and get yours before its too late!

Did You Know?

Forrest CT35 Clips Clinch Clips

Did you know? Here at TrapMan we make our own gabion mesh clips. That’s right, made in the UK these wire mesh Clips are
ideal for cage making, we even use them ourselves!

With a clip size of 19mm wide and a 5mm inside diameter these clips are perfect for clipping and jointing up to 3x 12g wires.

Made, packed and dispatched from our UK warehouse, to order follow the link;

PS. We also sell the matching clip tool.